The Underground Empire Tube is an underground kingdom bent on conquering the surface world. Originally, Tube was peaceful underground empire ruled by the Igam family who slain a dangerous monster terrorizing their realm called Lethal Doggler.
However, the Doggler had a son who infiltrated the Igam kingdom as the usurper Zeba who corrupts the land into a violent kingdom where strength rules all while enslaving the underground humans. However, Zeba learns that his downfall will be caused by the Igam family's two surviving members, twin sisters Ial and Igam, and decided to keep the two apart to maintain his dominion as he turns his attention to the surface world and used the former a spy.
Publication Information
- Maskman : Underground Empire Tube
- Japanese : 地底帝国チューブ
- Season : Hikari Sentai Maskman
- Led by : Earth Emperor Zeba
- Later by : Princess Ial
- Generals and other Notable Members :
- Igam
- Anagmas
- Baraba
- Oyobu
- Fumin
- Okelampa
- Monster Types : Earth Imperial Beasts Doggler
- Base : Underground Castle
- Grunts/Footsoldiers : Ungler Soldiers
- Battled : Maskman
But her falling in love with Takeru and attempt of warning him of the invasion gave him a reason to permanently separate the twins by sealing Ial in ice while Igam grew to hate her sister for dishonoring them and takes out her rage on Takeru as he joins the Maskmen to fend off Tube's forces.
But due to Thief Knight Kiros, Ial is released and, despite his attempts to keep his true identity hidden, Zeba is exposed as Lethal Doggler the 2nd as he has the Underground Palace taken to the surface to encase the Earth under his Dark Aura. But with Ial and Igam's restored sisterly bonds empowering them, the Maskmen destroy Zeba with Ial taking her sister's place in restoring the Igam Kingdom.
- Earth Emperor Zeba
- Earth Curiosities Beast Anagmas
- Earth Imperial Prince/Princess Igam
- Princess Ial
- Earth Imperial Ninja Fumin
- Earth Imperial Commander Baraba
- Earth Imperial Ninja Oyobu
- Earth Imperial Beasts Doggler
Ungler Soldiers
- Ungler Soldiers
- Ungler Soldiers, sometimes translated as Angler Soldiers, are black-skinned grunts with brown vines growing down from their heads. They are armed with a lance that has a gun, chain, or taser hidden in it. They pilot the Unglermon Fighters.
The Ungler Soldiers appear in the clips from Hikari Sentai Maskman seen in the first episode of Kousoku Sentai Turboranger.
Related Post : Source : wikipedia / powerrangers.wikia